Treatment of food allergies

The treatment of food allergies can seem complex, as the diagnosis.allergy treatment Some allergies should be treated immediately because they can be fatal if neglected for long. Food allergies can be treated from different dimensions at the same time as the elimination of the problem at the origin of food or allergens from the diet completely, the patient’s nutritional improvement and change the patient’s immune response . It must be remembered that in a treatment of the patient’s food allergy should be actively involved as it is a very personal issue. The patient should be informed and make the necessary lifestyle changes.

Treatment depends on the type of allergen and severity of the reaction. In the case of food allergy type I, the patient is aware of how to treat allergies, but he / she needs to be taught how to manage an allergic reaction in the event of accidental exposure. allergy treatment

The patient should completely avoid food with harmful allergens causing the allergic reaction. For this, the patient should get help from family and friends as well. Food labels should be read to see that the allergen is not present in packaged foods. It is also important to be careful in restaurants or when invited for a meal at someone’s house. It would be essential to ask the hosts on the ingredients prevention.

Those with type I should learn to recognize the symptoms and treat reactions. They should keep a convenient allergy kit with epinephrine and antihistamine drugs, in case of emergency.

On the other hand, there are no drugs available for the treatment of type III. There is a delayed allergy model and covers a wide range of diseases in various organ systems that become chronic long term. The delay pattern of immune response to food results in patients with symptoms of disease-specific and non-specific syndromes. Food allergy is in fact hidden in such diseases as migraine headaches, asthma, eczema, depression, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

type III does not need acute medications. The doctor treating various diseases such as headaches, migraines, IBS, etc. which are caused by the allergy. No medication available for these allergies. The offending food should be avoided and the doctor may put the patient at a rotation speed. This form of treatment may be effective in improving symptoms in the long term.

Despite thousands of documented cases, the medical fraternity is still recognized as an important type III disease and therefore there is no appropriate guidelines for treatment. In the treatment of all patient types must realize it has to play the most important part as well as drugs and direction of the physician. Probiotics and treatment of intestinal permeability are among the most common type curing food allergies III patients means.

Other than to completely avoid the offending food, the doctor may put the patient on a “rotation system”. In this regime, the offending foods are completely eliminated and all other foods should be shot and eaten at intervals of four to five days. This is because food allergy type III are not only acquired (which means that the patient may not have been allergic to one type of food in the past), but are also linked. There are different methods of patient desensitization in the treatment of food allergy type III. allergy treatment

supported Tags: allergy treatment
Treatment of food allergies Treatment of food allergies Reviewed by can on February 16, 2015 Rating: 5

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