Allergic bronchitis - Treatment What you should know

Allergic bronchitis – Treatment What you should know

allergic bronchitis is a type of asthma, which causes airway obstruction when the bronchi or lungs air passages are filled with mucosa during an asthma attack. Respiratory diseases have a significant impact on millions of people’s lives. It can be acute when it is a short-term disease and easily treatable. In allergic bronchitis, both asthma symptoms and allergies are present which can cause hay fever and allergic rhinitis. By far the majority of cases of bronchitis viral infections strains.

also known as allergic asthma allergic bronchitis is different from the non-allergic bronchitis, which is often associated with a cold or severe flu. This condition is triggered when the overactive immune system identifies harmless substances as dangerous and then releases antibodies to attack them as they enter the body. Most allergic bronchitis is primarily caused by exposure to allergens, while there are conditions that may be considered non-allergic bronchitis which is caused by a virus or a bacterium.

Symptoms may include runny nose, shortness of breath, red or swollen eyes, rashes, hyperventilation, tickling in the throat, constant sneezing, chest tightness, headache, nausea, cough and other symptoms of allergy. This type of bronchitis is often worse at night. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a persistent dry cough without other symptoms.

mild to moderate type treatment includes taking anti-histamine drugs and avoiding allergens that can stimulate the allergy. It can also be treated with antihistamines to reduce the allergic reaction. Consult your physician is also important. They typically perform an examination or a skin test where allergens are inserted under the skin that will identify the specific allergens that cause allergic bronchitis. Your doctor may also refer you to an allergist, who specializes in this condition and can give you more advice in preventing the occurrence thereof. This can be cured after 25 to 35 days of treatment.

There are some cases that a person can be so sensitive to allergens blocking the airways caused by severe swelling of the tissues in the respiratory tract can cause hospitalization or death and what is considered a dangerous situation that needs immediate medical help. Fortunately, in most cases allergic bronchitis is considered a mild to moderate condition. The awareness of this particular condition is important.

allergic bronchitis is manageable if you have this disease, you should also be aware that it can be dangerous at times. It is important that you know how to deal with every time you are exposed to the unexpected allergen, such as taking medication with you at all times in case of emergency.

supported Tags: allergic bronchitis, bronchitis treatments,allergy treatment
Allergic bronchitis - Treatment What you should know Allergic bronchitis - Treatment What you should know Reviewed by can on April 02, 2015 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this extremely informative article on allergic bronchitis treatment. I recently read about symptoms of bronchitis treatment on website called I found it extremely helpful.
