With the treatment of allergies

With the treatment of allergies

environmental medicine

As conventional allergists, environmental medicine physicians focus on environmental control. Doctors preach with at least your bedroom an oasis. You want a place where you can get a good night’s sleep because it will often be enough to give you good health throughout the day when you are exposed to those things you react. You need to reduce the total load.

As conventional allergists, doctors from medical environment are also using drugs and immunotherapy. However, for them, the equilibrium is strongly inclined to the side of immunotherapy. However, for the equilibrium is strongly inclined to the side of immunotherapy.

Yet, drugs are sometimes a necessary evil, especially when the pollen is so thick you can barely see on your car windshield. On these kinds of days, anyone who is sensitive to pollen will have symptoms. This is why you need oral medications or inhalers. The approach immunotherapy
environmental medicine allergy shots is similar to that of conventional medicine. By taking a little “hair of the dog that bit you,” you gradually recycle your immune system to tolerate substances Set It Off. If you are lucky, the effect is permanent and you are essentially “cured.”

The difference is that the doctors of the medical-environment are able to use higher concentrations of the starting substance in question, which have been shown to provide more immediate and lasting relief of symptoms. Unlike conventional allergists, they also use allergy shots to treat food allergies and chemical.

Although conventional doctors not claim that these higher concentrations are necessarily harmful, they believe that desensitization is mainly useful for respiratory allergies. – Such as pollen and molds  and can be dangerous when used to treat food allergies .

Here are a couple of forms of immunotherapy of environmental medicine

Enzyme-potentiated desensitization
This form of immunotherapy is used to desensitize patients to an entire class of allergens. For example, the category of airborne allergens include pollen, mold and animal dander. Small injections of allergens are given several weeks apart. Since doses are much lower than other allergy shots, an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase is added to increase or “potentiate” effect.

Optimal dose immunotherapy
The “optimal” is just short of the dose that produces symptoms. Starting with higher concentrations, environmental medicine physicians have shown that patients can follow a course of immunotherapy in as little as two years.

Treatments additional allergies

In addition to immunotherapy, the following treatments may also be used by doctors of medicine environment.

Dietary changes
The focus is on finding and eliminating foods in the diet that cross-react with other allergens, particularly pollen. One example is the eggs, which sometimes cause a double reaction in patients who are allergic to pollen oak. Practitioners often advise their patients to reduce or eliminate back on sugar, refined wheat, and dairy products, and encourage eating a varied diet organic.

most of us simply do not move enough. Probably 50 percent of all the symptoms are caused by insufficient physical movement. Most patients will achieve approximately the half of the relief which is available by simply adding an appropriate time of physical movement in their daily routine -.

same therapy walk whenever possible Sauna
Also known as heat depuration therapy, sauna therapy is often used to treat multiple chemical sensitivity, based on the knowledge that liberates toxins stored in fat sweating. When supervised by a physician, patients in the sauna are usually given in vitamins, minerals, and fluid replacement.

stress reduction
Since emotional upheaval can make allergies worse, doctors of medicine and environment often recommend the mind and the extra body therapies such as psychotherapy and massage. Relieving stress allows the entire system. If they follow a program of stress which reduces the cumulative stress level, patients are often better, even without any additional change of lifestyle.

The number of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that can be used for allergy is almost unlimited. But some supplements come again and again in the medical literature. Among them, vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium.

supported Tags: Treating, Allergies ,Environmental Medicine,treatment for allergies
With the treatment of allergies With the treatment of allergies Reviewed by can on April 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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