Cancer Treatment: Options and Side Effects

Cancer Treatment: Options and Side Effects

cancer diagnosis often becomes a very depressing and gloomy scenario because at the moment your doctor delivers the horrible news, your world is turned upside down. Patients are often left with a flurry of questions which usually includes the question of “What are my treatment options?” In general, there are three main types of treatments against cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The factors that determine the optimal form of treatment mainly include the type of cancer and the current state of your disease.

Surgery is often the first treatment used if the cancer can be easily removed from the body. In some cases, radiation can be used to reduce cancer prior to surgery. Chemotherapy, also known as “chemotherapy”, is a medication used by doctors for drugs that allows flow in the blood to reach other cancer cells that may have spread away from the tumor. When undergoing chemotherapy, it is important to understand the many side effects that can include nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss and mouth sores. In addition to these side effects, chemotherapy can damage the blood cells to the bone marrow that can lead to a higher risk of infection, bleeding or bruising minor cuts, and anemia resulting in fatigue and shortness of breath. To fight against the many effects of chemotherapy, many cancer care teams work closely with patients to manage the side effects of chemo. Finally, radiation therapy is a treatment in which high-energy rays are used to kill or reduce and cancer cells. Often external radiation is used and although it is not physically injured during the initial process, such as chemotherapy, there are many side effects involved in this form of treatment. Skin irritation and fatigue are the most common side effects from radiation therapy and they often last for several weeks even after the treatment period concludes.

Some people believe that cancer treatment is actually worse than the cancer itself because of the many side effects that can significantly reduce the quality of life that remains. However, this belief is very dangerous because this thought process can prevent these individuals receive treatments that can save their lives. Most of these thoughts occur when treatment starts first because in the early stages of cancer patients have not experienced any symptoms or problems. Patients then come to the conclusion that cancer treatment is the source of many side effects that often result in pain and discomfort. For people in this situation, it is important to discuss future treatment options and your plans with your doctor to clearly understand the likely results of both treatment and non-treatment options before making a decision. If the cancer is allowed to progress without treatment, symptoms worsen and new symptoms continue to accumulate over time. As symptoms become curative treatment options increasingly developed can no longer be available to the patient. Statistics have shown that over time the untreated cancer that usually leads to death, however cancer treatments often save lives, especially when the cancer is detected and treated early in the process. Overall, it is very easy to get discouraged because of the uncertainty and painful side effects caused by different treatment options, but in the long run it is worth it for you and your family.

supported Tags: cancer treatment,treatment options,cancer treatments,non-treatment options,treatment side effects
Cancer Treatment: Options and Side Effects Cancer Treatment: Options and Side Effects Reviewed by can on March 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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