Skin allergies - 14 holistic treatments that work

I see many cases of skin lately. I love these cases because I have huge amounts of personal experience with eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema Dyshidrotic and even ringworm. Dyshidrotic eczema is an irritation that occurs on the palms and soles of the feet, where the deep clear bulbs arise that itch and burn. They seem to be worse sun exposure. Man, ever do these itching. As a child I was hospitalized for this and generalized dermatitis several allergy treatment

I think that the main cause of most skin diseases are :. Foods or allergies, bad combination food and malabsorption / maldigestion, parasites, viruses, yeasts and emotional distraught. Children internalize a lot of emotions and I was no different. A four or five years, I was once put in a straitjacket to control my self-mutilation that has been the cause of secondary bacterial infections myself. The nurses were not happy with me. skin allergy treatment

I guess what bothered me the whole skin treatment process as a child, is that not a single doctor asked me what I wanted to do and what kind of treatment I would try comfortable. They talked to my mother and I ignored as if I was some kind of dumb. I felt used as they distributed the latest and the treatments they knew, sometimes go on a diet of antibiotics, steroids, creams and lotions containing urea and things that sting with cleaning of the intestine and hospitalizations.

Because of how I was treated, I think it is important to allow children to be part of their treatment protocols, so I spend a lot of time during my listening to consult Children tell me what they think. I am proud to know that when they choose who they want to see their pain, often children will tell their parents they want to see me (in person or by phone.) They know I’m going empower them to choose techniques that will help them feel, and they love when they can communicate more effectively with their parents about what they think. skin allergy treatment

I found as a young adult I was more accurate to listen to my body on that he liked that doctors and allergy tests were. Gee, when a child vomits almost smell the hot dogs or gags over their cream of wheat, it is a very good sign that something is wrong with the food … The body is rejecting it.

I remember an elimination food trial where I was allowed to eat rye bug for a week in an attempt to clear my body for some allergy tests. I think it was harder on my mother that it was on me to tell me I could not eat with the rest of the family. “You do not want another piece of rye-tack?” She asked with a pained look on his face.

I can not even imagine what it would be like to see your own child stuck with 40-50 needles for the test process, they used to do for allergies. These days they are allergy tests using blood. I do this through tapping into the body’s energy field with a process called muscle testing.

Fortunately I grew up on some of my food allergies, but now manages allergy to sulfites, nitrates, MSG, antibiotics, phenol, formaldehyde, squirrels, guinea pigs, nuts, peppers ( that cause fibromyalgia symptoms), pollen, environmental toxins, paints, petrochemicals, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and who knows what else. These allergies appear in a variety of ways in my system, but the symptoms are easier to control the symptoms of the skin. skin allergy treatment

In general, here is what I found works best for the symptoms of the skin such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, dandruff and ringworm

1. Bathe and wash hair every day: Up to 30% of all the toxins that we produce in our bodies are expelled through the skin. During heavy pollen seasons, it is best to take a shower before going to bed to wash pollen from your hair, that huge amounts of pollen stick to your hair. If we do not bathe every day, we are losing the battle. Use dechlorinated fresh water is the best choice. Swimming is easy to do for humans, but let’s face it … it’s hard to give your pet a bath every day. We can only do our best with them with diet and supplements.

2. Eat for your blood type (. Also known as GERD) This is an excellent treatment for allergies, arthritis, autoimmune diseases and for the syndrome of gastric acid

3. Add mixture of capsules or Choice Udo’s Choice Oil Oil bulk of Udo dieters.

4. Supporting the adrenals with products such as raw adrenal glandular and Drenamin®. Manage stress and reduce stimulants such as sugar, coffee, tea and sodas.

5. Supporting the liver by eating lots of raw and cooked dark green vegetables.

6. Treating viral or parasitic root causes underlying psoriasis homeopathic, appropriate worming and immune builders.

7. Increase dietary zinc. I recommend most often raw shelled pumpkin seeds -. About one tablespoon per day, but I also provides many liver Zinc chelate supplement Standard Process Lab

8. Change your pillowcase often. Like pollens get on your pillow from your face and hair, you break your nose and face making your body more sensitive. If you wake up in the morning all stuffed, you can also throw pillows in a hot dryer once a week for 20 minutes to obtain pollen, mold and dust mites on them too. Some pollen can travel up to a couple of miles, so it makes no sense to get rid of some plants and trees in your garden when your neighbors will not get rid of them.

9. Use a Neti Pot: A neti pot is a pot nasal cleansing that looks like a small pot of tea that you fill with slightly salted water. Running the water into one nostril and the other. Sounds really disgusting and I never tried it, but many of my clients with sinus allergies swear by this article. They say it works really keep their sinuses clear and that since they have used their neti pot they have their sense of smell back that has not been working for years.

10. Find out which are the best oils to use on your skin after a bath or shower. Often it is olive, cold pressed sesame oil or sunflower oil. Also, Avon silicone glove is just a great product to use on your hands like a lotion. It takes the abuse of handwashing for those who need to wash their hands often and although it has a scent to it, it seems to work well for people with allergies.

11. Make a emotional clearing work: Many allergies have to do with trauma in your past and how these injuries have stored in your body as emotional cysts. Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are very good at managing and even eliminating some allergies. Please remember that the animals pick on human energy. If you have, the more likely they are too!

12. Fast: A water only fast 5 days does wonders to detoxify the body and kill the yeast that is often the underlying cause of many diseases of the skin. Still not fast under the supervision of someone well versed in this procedure. (There are some cons-indications to water fasting.)

13. Try allergy nosodes: These homeopathic drops do wonders to remove allergens from your body. We use complementary professional Formulations nosodes health and have many great results with them. My favorites are food additives, sick buildings, lawn and garden chemicals, grasses and pollen and pollen of trees. Tinea-Aid is the best alternative ringworm treatment I have ever met and can be used for both human and animal ringworm. Vaccinosis Nosode drops do a great job of getting small residual contaminants smallpox vaccine from your system (especially for atopic dermatitis) and drops immune stimulator bacterial system do a great job of attacking and eliminating various types Staphylococcus causing oozing of pus and acne in case of the skin. skin allergy treatment

14. Managing the environment as best you can. We can not do much about your genetic predisposition to allergies, so the best thing is to minimize, remove and manage environmental influences around the allergic person.

So make a list of everything you are exposed including to: supplements, drugs, cosmetics, soaps, cleaning products, detergents, perfumes, cigarette smoke, animals, aerosols, supplies the working environment and odors, leisure, household odors, mold, insects, the food you eat and drink, and anything you can think of that you can be exposed to on a weekly basis. Alternative medicine healer should be able to go through your list using muscle testing to determine which things you can use and cause more problems.

You are the best doctor you have. I was good to have the most demanding skin of my life. These challenges have taught me to listen to my body and to trust him. With a little education and new ideas and perspectives, you can – and have your life. If I can do it, so can you! I promise.

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Skin allergies - 14 holistic treatments that work Skin allergies - 14 holistic treatments that work Reviewed by can on March 01, 2015 Rating: 5

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